Today I saw a "Veterans for Peace" sticker and it made me think. What is peace? Is peace achieved when our military is at home yet the people of Iraq are tortured under Saddam? Is peace achieved when our troops are withdrawn from Vietnam yet a violent overthrough of a government is achieved and many people are purged? Is it peace when our military isn't used in Rwanda yet millions are killed in a genocide? Just askin'.
It seems that too many folks believe peace is only achieved if our military isn't being used. I believe that if the same principals were used in World War II then many would say that we shouldn't have intervened in Europe to stop Hitler. I see nothing on the left that indicates that there is any will to fight for a cause. The action in Yugoslovia was fought as one our government knew we could win with little or zero loss to Americans. It did seem to work so that's good but what about the hard ones? What about when it means our soldiers are put at risk and will have some serious losses? Are there any causes worth putting our soldiers at real risk? I still think so.
What would happen in Iraq if our troops were removed as many on the left would like to see? Our troops would be safe but what about the carnage in Iraq? Thousands upon thousands would die and the place would be a total mess.
I just want to ask what is peace? It surely isn't an outcome that would come from withdrawal from Iraq right now.
I'm not questioning motives. We all want peace. The question is what is peace and from whose perspective?
Posted by Tim at June 20, 2006 09:55 PM