Broken Masterpieces

May 14, 2006

Active Christian Media Review - Help Mom! Hollywood's in my Hamper

In my latest review for Active Christian Media (AKA Blog for Books) I get to read another "Help Mom" books (see previous review here). I liked this one a bit more than the previous as the caricatures in this book were a little bit better, especially the Brittany Spears character. It seems any kid that read this book would at least understand and relate to that character.

Here's my main problem with the book; it wasn't very funny. I gave it to me 11 y/o son and he said it was kind of funny. He did understand what it's about but I don't want him to believe all Hollywood people are mindless twits (even though there are quite a few). He seemed to like the book and understands that not all of Hollywood is that way.

I appreciate the intent; to warn kids that folks in Hollywood really aren't worth listening too much in terms of morals, politics and their pet causes. It does seem like I'm the only conservative who doesn't like these books but I think I've had enough of the "Look Mom" books. I'm in disagreement with my son, Rush, National Review, James Taranto of Opinion Journal and others about the "Look Mom" books.

Posted by Tim at May 14, 2006 07:57 PM