God's Green Soldiers - Newsweek Society - MSNBC.com - This is an interesting article dealing with some Evangelicals who are working to clean up the environment. The focus point of this article is Rev. Richard Cizik who's a big-time social conservative. He also believes that there is global warming and other issues that Evangelicals should care about. I'm not convinced either way about global warming but do believe that our faith should compel us to leave God's creation in a good state. Most Evangelicals, including myself, are not very fond of the "environmental wackos" out there who equate man with the rest of the animals but I think we all realize we do have responsibilites. I don't think we should buy into one point of view on the environment without doing our due dilligence. Just because Rush Limbaugh or James Dobson says there isn't global warming or Al Gore says there is doesn't mean jack-squat. I need to do some digging into this issue myself because I don't believe anybody at the moment. I'm trying to keep an open mind on things I really don't understand.
Posted by Tim at February 8, 2006 01:33 PMI have a long, in depth look at global warming on my site. Try here:
Posted by: Deep Thought at February 13, 2006 04:55 AMKeeping an open mind on things we don't understand is a never ending battle on both sides of the current political/culitural divide. Especially since the media and many people make it easy to do just the opposite.
Posted by: Ed at February 25, 2006 06:14 AMReverand Cizic's comments are important in as much as the bring the important Evangelical community to the table to discuss climate change. There are many scientists who are Christian too, and the recent divide between faith and science concerns me. In the scientific community the debate is over, climate change is happening. Yes there are a handful of sceptics, but only a handful. Here is another site on climate change that may help people learn about the issues (not the politics).
Posted by: Leigh Johnson at February 26, 2006 11:05 AM