Broken Masterpieces

November 04, 2005

KMC - '9th Circuit Court, "Parents Are Outlawed on Sex"; - Kevin McCullough's Weblog

Besides the fact that I may want to keep my first grader somewhat innocent and protected from such sexual material, and as a parent I don't believe a court has any business putting such thoughts into the heads of first graders.

I the above statement concerns you at all about the mentality of some people in this country then you should be concerned. There are people in this world that want to 'capture' the minds of our children for their own sexual agendas. On the other hand, my kids know very little about sex and I want to keep it that way until I feel it is appropriate to tell them more about the birds and bees.

Posted by Tim at November 4, 2005 06:09 AM

I totally agree about protecting our children's innocence. This is outrageous. I called this bill the New Miranda Ruling for parents. You can read about it here.

Posted by: Spunky at November 9, 2005 02:46 PM

As a future educator, I believe that teachers and public education systems, in addition to educating, have a responsibility for helping to raise children. Good moral instruction is a part of that. But to take things a step further and claim that it is a right rather than a responsibility undermines the entire purpose of education. It shows glaringly that these judges, legal workers, and educators are jaded, take their responsibilities for granted, and are not focused on anything but their own power and self-centeredness. Even in the little substitute and student teaching that I have done in preparation for my teaching career, I am extremely grateful for the opportunities I have had (and hopefully will have) to help shape young minds in positive ways, and I do not, nor will I ever take these opportunities for granted, and especially not in such a sickening way as these people from San Francisco have.

Posted by: Collin at January 5, 2006 12:36 AM