Great one liner from our President speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition's 20th Anniversary event yesterday. Although, it is true that our Rabbi can work through the efforts of others, right? Hat Tip to Power Line.
President Bush is applauding the Jewish community's role in assisting Katrina survivors . . .
At Tulane University, the Director of the Chabad, Rabbi Rivkin, brought teams of students to New Orleans, and southern Mississippi, and other communities hit by the storm. He called in folks to help. He didn't say, head away from the storm; he said, let's take it right to the middle of the storm area to help people. They helped rescue stranded people; they distributed bottled water and self-heating kosher meals; they cleaned up and helped salvage homes; they provided spiritual support for those who lost loved ones. And one of those rescued from New Orleans put it this way: In the days after Katrina hit, Chabad saved lives." (Applause.)Rabbi Stanton Zamek of the Temple Beth Shalom Synagogue in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, helped an African American couple displaced by the storm track down their daughter in Maryland. When Rabbi Zamek called the daughter, he told her, "We have your parents." She screamed out, "Thank you, Jesus!" (Laughter.) He didn't have the heart to tell her she was thanking the wrong rabbi. (Laughter and applause.)
Reflecting on Mark 9:38-41
Am I the only one who sees this as blasphemous?
Posted by: JC at October 3, 2005 05:17 PMJohn,
I took the President's remark as a winsome comment; he was simply connecting with his audience. Taken by itself, it's not the full story. That's why soundbites are just that - not to be taken as a declaration of doctrine, but a snippet of the moment. Of course, God deserves the ultimate credit. That's why I introduced the quote with a gentle reminder that our Rabbi (Jesus) is really the one who is at work, and works through others. Thanks for your question.
The recepient of the blessing knew who to praise! What glory! God answered the child's prayer for her family, the rabbi was once again directed to the Son of the Living God.
May the curse of Isaiah that in "seeing they will not see and in hearing they will not hear least they see with their eyes, hear with their ears and understand and turn that I might heal them" be lifted from all heirs to the Kingdom of our Lord and of HIS Christ. I release this in the name of the King of kings and Lord of lords the Lord Jesus Christ.
As it was to Saul on the road to Damascus may it be with this loving rabbi and his followers.
Holy Spirit, make this be so!
Posted by: jim at October 5, 2005 01:06 PM