Broken Masterpieces

January 13, 2005

Real Rhapsody

RealRhapsody - premium legal music subscription service -

I gave realRhapsody a 14-day trial. It wasn't quite what I wanted but I would urge folks to give it a try. When I called to cancel they were very pleasant. Hey, it's worth a shot.

UPDATE: Just got this comment -

Well, it's been over TWO HOURS on hold trying to cancel and I have yet to talk to anyone. You can't just cancel the service online, you have to call during business hours. I don't know ANYONE who can afford to take over two hours out of their business day to sit on hold.

Plus, go here:

and read about how a number of people have thought they cancelled only to find out their credit card was still being charged.

Posted by Tim at January 13, 2005 01:58 PM

ju hurx öfyutyfc

Posted by: mustafa at December 14, 2004 12:33 PM

Well, it's been over TWO HOURS on hold trying to cancel and I have yet to talk to anyone. You can't just cancel the service online, you have to call during business hours. I don't know ANYONE who can afford to take over two hours out of their business day to sit on hold.

Plus, go here:
and read about how a number of people have thought they cancelled only to find out their credit card was still being charged.

Don't get ripped off - Don't try Real Rhapsody!!!

Posted by: Nino at January 13, 2005 01:21 PM

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