Broken Masterpieces

November 24, 2004

Asleep While Good People Sacrifice

The American Spectator - The Land of $800 Haircuts

Back here at home, if you don't read the newspapers or watch TV, it is as if nothing had happened. But something is happening. Our best and bravest are fighting magnificently and sometimes dying. I wish there were some national effort to make us at home reach into ourselves to help -- with money, with love and affection for the families, with anything the men and women in the field need. These men and women who are losing their lives are not foreign mercenaries. They are our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends, and heroes. They do more for us in two minutes on Sinai Street in Falluja than every player in the NBA and every star on every TV show does in a year. Please, Mr. President, think of a way we can help them, make common cause with them, let them know we're all in it together. It is only common decency.

The mighty Ben Stein is spot on. There needs to be a movement to support the people that are sacrificing so much. Ideas anyone? I know there are some smaller efforts but wouldn't it be great to have non-partisan national effort to show how much we care and are thankful?

Posted by Tim at November 24, 2004 09:23 AM

I recommend you visit

Posted by: julian at November 24, 2004 10:20 AM