Yahoo! News - Trial Begins Over Ga. Evolution Disclaimer
The sticker reads, "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered."
The ACLU does not want that sticker put on text books about evolution. What a waste of time. Evolution is a theory yet the ACLU wants it taught as fact.
Posted by Tim at November 8, 2004 08:49 PMThat the earth revolves around the sun is a theory. The earth spins on its axis is a theory. Maybe we should put those on the sticker too? Spend some time with your kid's science teacher sometime on the definition of scientific theory.
Posted by: Tom at November 9, 2004 07:48 AMTom
Suggested reading - "Darwin's Black Box - A Biochemical Challenge to Evolution" by Michael Behe. He's a reputable scientist, a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University. He approaches the subject not as a theologian, but as a scientist and asks questions the Darwinists really don't want raised. He looks through the microscope at the "irreducable complexity" of man and asks the Darwinists to respond. They refuse, saying that maco-evolution (to be distinguished from micro-evolution) is a FACT! So much for scientific inquiry.
Maybe you could read it and draw your own conculsions.
Are you up to the challenge?
Posted by: Phil Dillon at November 9, 2004 08:33 AMWhat experiments has Behe run to prove intelligent design? Which reputable journals, such as Science or Nature, has he published his results for peer review?
(hint: he hasn't.)
Posted by: Tom at November 9, 2004 01:04 PMTom
Are you saying there is no evidence for intelligent design?
Are you saying like almost all Darwinists that the process is mindless, purposeless?
My challenge to you still stands. Read Behe. I can't say that it will sway you, but I say read it.
It's one thing to run a Yahoo or Google search on him, I say read him.
Now, Tom, I can cite Behe's responses to his critics to demonstrate their close mindedness, but that would just bring reaction. I say one last time, read Behe's work. That's all.
Posted by: Phil Dillon at November 9, 2004 06:29 PMScience is done in a plodding, mundane way. You come up with a hypothesis and then test it. Then you publish your test results in peer-reviewed journals and see if your buddies can poke holes in your theory.
Phil, I'm very familiar with Behe. But here's the trick you have to demand of him. If he wants to play evolutionary scientist, then he has to play by the rules. And he doesn't. He doesn't have a God test. And so I guess that helps explain why he doesn't publish his God test in journals where his fellow scientists can review his research on his God test.
Besides, think about it. Just what is the litmus test for the Guy Himself who made litmus? What color do you look for in your God litmus test when He can make the litmus the color purple or red or green or blue or gray or turn it into the funny pages of the New York Times if He felt like it?
Respectfully, Phil, I think the problem is that some Christians seem to fear evolution disproves God or the Bible. Or that Darwin's theory means life is meaningless. But like I said, science can't prove or disprove anything about God. Evolution has nothing to do with faith in Christ.
(Evolution helps us understand very important things like why men have nipples, why there are so many pesky mosquitoes in the summertime despite DDT, and why we have hamsters for house pets, not pteradactyls.)
Posted by: Tom at November 9, 2004 09:55 PMTom
That's micro-evolution, which isn't in dispute. It's macro-evolution that's questionable.
And it's the Darwinists who say that it
s all mindless. It's Darwinists who say that God can't be allowed in the door (Crick). It's Darwinists who play the shell games (Gould and punctuated equilibrium).
have you read "Darwin's Black Box?"
Posted by: Phil Dillon at November 10, 2004 03:11 AMMicroevolution and macroevolution run on the same basic mechanism. You're half way there now to my side. Macroevolution gets millions of years to run.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Behe doesn't have any problem with macroevolution/"descent with modification."
Is he still your champion?
He's simply arguing there's certain molecular biochemical processes he can't see evolution completing, so there must be God.
Hooray! Who needs the Crucifixion when you have guys in white lab coats with bunsen burners proving God? Toss out your faith!! Toss out your Bibles!! All hail St. Science and St. Behe!!
Here's the deal. You get the scandal of the cross. That's all you get.
And when an atheist scientist says there's no God, ask him what his testing process is. And laugh at him if he says evolution. Ask him what fossils have to do with faith. Or why Behe's much debunked "cilia" theory changes the intimate conversation of prayer Christians have with their Creator.
Posted by: Tom at November 10, 2004 07:23 AM