Broken Masterpieces

October 18, 2004

Vox Blogoli IV: Why vote for Bush, and what's wrong with Kerry

In response to Hugh Hewitt's request to explain why Bush and not Kerry, here it goes:

I support the re-election of President Bush because he has a plan to defeat terrorism. His plan isn't limited to law enforcement techniques but to taking the war to the terrorists. He's the candidate that learned from 9/11 that we can't just wait to be attacked and then react. The other candidate has backed himself into such a corner that he'll take us back to the pre-9/11 stance of reacting to terrorists instead of taking them out as quickly as possible.

John Kerry has decided to go on a scorched earth policy as I truly he believes he's more about winning the election than thinking long term about where our country needs to go. He's already smacked down our key allies in the war on terror. I believe he's already reverting to his Vietnam era cut and run stance. I believe the Democratic party, lead by John Kerry, have gone above and beyond in terms of talking about everything that is wrong in Iraq. That's horrible behavior for someone who wants to be commander-in-chief.

In terms of social issues Kerry voted against the outlawing of partial birth abortion and voted against the Defense of Marriage Act. He's way out of the mainstream of America but is in concert with the media and Hollywood elites of this country. He's also decided to talk about his faith in God now that the polls indicate that's a good move. He's been taking the opportunity to speak at Sunday services and uses the pulpit to insult President Bush during the service.

In terms of the economy, President Bush inherited a stock market in a nose dive and an economy in recession. Then 9/11 hit. His tax cut policies have helped bring the economy back around. John Kerry has a history of voting to raise taxes and has a laundry list of proposals that will only increase spending.

In summation, this is truly a single issue election and it's terrorism. President Bush will be aggressive while his opponent will cut and run.

Posted by Tim at October 18, 2004 10:57 PM