Broken Masterpieces

October 15, 2004

Where's The Outrage? - Disenfranchising the Military Again?

MSNBC - Bush campaign voices worry about military vote

This article covers the worst parts of the DNC; make sure the military doesn't get to vote, keep someone off of a ballot and fear mongering about the draft. Very nice!

Posted by Tim at October 15, 2004 10:38 PM

If there are delays, then it appears the Republicans are greatly at fault for their unethical behavior of trying to push Nader's name on the ballot in the first place.

Look, it's like if Karl Rove rolled a twenty-ton boulder off a mountaintop at Kerry trying to climb to the summit, it misses Kerry, and then crunches the Republican resort in the valley below, and then you blame Kerry for not standing in the way and getting flattened.

Posted by: Tom at October 16, 2004 09:27 AM