Broken Masterpieces

September 10, 2004

DNC Going After Bush's Service Record

Democratic National Committee 'Action Alert' E-mail -- 09/10/2004

So, the RNC and Bush campaign do nothing to question John Kerry's military service despite countless inconsistencies, yet the DNC goes right after Bush based on possibly fraudulent documents and a terribly inconsistent witness. Other witnesses have not come forward. Who's basing their campaigns on the issues? The main issue of the day being the war on terror.

Posted by Tim at September 10, 2004 01:03 PM

You said it Boss. It's hilarious, Dan Rather is willing to go down in smoke to stand behind a forged document, that in the final analysis, is a non-issue to begin with. The king is dead.

Posted by: Michael Gallaugher at September 10, 2004 03:06 PM

It's definitely silly season out there with meaningless issues.

But yes, you're right. The RNC has done so, so much to shut down the Swifties and all the right-wing blogs on these Kerry character attacks. You guys got the memo, right? It's the one signed by Dick Cheney and says, "Please, puuullleeeeze stop besmirching Senator Kerry's combat service and his awards for valor in combat. It's ruining, ABSOLUTELY RUINING, do you hear me?!?! our campaign on the issues."

I have a copy somewhere...hmmm...maybe it's in my other pants pocket...well, I know it's here somewhere...

Remember it? The one with Karl Rove's pic on top with that pious smile? It said, "Attacking the service record of a decorated Vietnam War veteran is beneath Republican Party dignity and the RNC will have no part of it. I'm putting my foot down!"

Darn I can't find mine. Be back in a jif, though!! I'll check I think they have a copy posted.

Posted by: Tom at September 11, 2004 07:27 AM

The issue isn't the Swiftees or Memos but that the media has their own bias. That's the main point I've tried to make. It's clear that anything negative on Bush is headline news while questions about Kerry must be "thoroughly vetted".

Posted by: trogers at September 11, 2004 10:35 AM

I love watching my kids' soccer games. Weekend after weekend, sitting on the sidelines with all the other dads and moms.

Funny thing: Whenever the ref made a call against our team, there was this group of parents that said the ref was unfair. If our team lost, this bunch of parents consistently said the ref (or maybe the other team or both) cheated.

These parents couldn't believe their kids ever did anything wrong. It always had to be someone doing something unfair. They had a horrific blindness towards their kids---the ones they loved---if their kids made a mistake.

Oh, and if there were referee calls against the other team? You guessed it. The other team deserved it!!! Finally equitable refereeing! At least according to this same group of parents. If our team won---hey we worked hard and deserved it. But if that other team won....

(Cue that old Michael Jackson song: "If they say, 'Why? Why?' Tell them that it's human nature...")

I should have checked those parents' political party affiliation. I have a sneaking hunch they weren't Gore voters.

Posted by: Tom at September 11, 2004 03:32 PM

Because System-Lord Kerry is a God!
A God can do no wrong!
And we are His Loyal Jeffah!

(and I've got to stop watching so much Stargate SG-1...)

Posted by: Ken at September 14, 2004 09:40 AM