So now there are 4 Swift Vet ads. I think the first ad is too much "he said, he said" to really make a difference. The second ad nails the essence of the Kerry problem. What he did is really a point of heartburn for many Americans. The third ad goes after the Cambodia story but I just don't think it makes a big difference. The fouth, about the medals, won't be very effective either as most Americans would probably say, "do whatever you want with your medals".
If I were running the Swift Vets I'd keep bringing back the 2nd add then make new ones where Kerry is quoted as saying he committed atrocities (Meet the Press, 1971 - "I took part in search and destroy missions, the burning of villages," Kerry said in 1971. "I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free-fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used .50 caliber machine guns…" ) and his "new soldier" quotes like "We will not quickly join those who march on Veterans' Day waving small flags, calling to memory those thousands who died for the ‘greater glory of the United States.' We will not accept the rhetoric. We will not readily join the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars…We will not take solace from the creation of monuments or the naming of parks after a select few of the thousands of dead Americans and Vietnamese. We will not uphold traditions which decorously memorialize that which was base and grim."
These are things that need to be emphasized and are fair game. This stuff does matter to the general public.
Quotes found here.
Posted by Tim at August 31, 2004 10:04 PMdiggin the blog...
check out my pro bush site
im a young republican/conservative
Posted by: John at August 31, 2004 10:18 PMre: your comment "BTW, why can't the Swift Vets speak out?"
Of course they can say whatever they want. But read one more more time...what McCain is can't be any clearer.
"If they question Kerry's medals," [McCain] said, "they question everybody's medals. All those men who found it so hard to come home, who found so little gratitude for their sacrifices when they got here, are going to feel mistreated again. The families of the people whose names are on the monument in Washington will feel wronged, too. The painful wounds we all worked so hard to close will all be reopened. We've got to get that garbage off the air as soon as we can."
Did anyone give a speech at the convention about this Swifty crap? This important information? No? Hmmmm.
Why would President Bush not echo the Swifties' charges if they are so important and truthful?
He has no trouble talking about difficult or politically touchy subjects like abortion, so it's not that. What other kinds of things would President Bush not say about Senator Kerry? Contemptible, scurrilous charges maybe?
Think of this President Bush you admire. The guy that you want to return to the highest office in the land. Why doesn't he say this stuff if it's so important and truthful?
Posted by: Tom at September 1, 2004 10:13 PMMcCain also said the Kerry's activities after the war are fair game. That's what this blog thinks also and that the questioning of Kerry's service doesn't do much good. BTW, I believe some of what the Swifties say based on the number of witnesses. Other cases both may be right. Kerry's first purple heart does seem to be unintentionally self-inflicted and wasn't in Cambodia on Christmas 1968. What Kerry did as a military after the war and as a Senator do matter and there isn't much question of his views.
Posted by: trogers at September 1, 2004 10:57 PMRight, I tend to agree with you that Kerry's antiwar activities after he served honorably are up for discussion. The Kerry campaign will try to emphasize Iraq and economy. I definitely think the latter issues are more important to the average American, but then amazingly enough you Republicans hired Karl Rove instead of me to run Bush's campaign. Hard to figure.
Posted by: Tom at September 2, 2004 05:48 AMI think Kerry mised the opportunity, for the time being, by emphasizing his Vietnam service at his convention. This gives the Bush team the opportunity to redefine Kerry and go after his voting record in the Senate. Bottom line for Kerry is that his record as a Senator isn't very strong.
Posted by: trogers at September 2, 2004 06:51 AM