Tip to Winds Of Change.
Since someone is now "bringing it on" Kerry cries foul. Well, any quick reading will indicate that Kerry and the DNC has continually brought up Vietname. Now the time to pay up has come. This whole mess was not started by the Swift Vets but they are immediately branded as Republican hit men who are all liars.
I'd have preferred that Kerry run on something more than his military experience (just look at his most public speech at the Dem convention). The problem really is that there is nothing else for him to run on. He was elected to represent the Dems in this race because of one reason, his military service. They think he can beat Bush so they picked the most electable candidate.
Posted by Tim at August 24, 2004 10:54 PMGiven what Bush has done over the last three years, I don't understand how any American can support him. He is, without a doubt, the scariest person on the planet. He's unpopular in Australia, that's for sure. He had such an opportunity and he has squandered America's reputation around the world.
While overall, Australians like Americans, Bush is despised by most everyone except Howard. And Howard won't be voted back after all his lies. Bush is dangerous and incompetent and threatens the entire world's safety. Don't buy his propaganda. Please. For all our sakes.
Posted by: frankie at August 25, 2004 03:12 AMTip to trogers:
Read this
Tip to Frankie: Planet Earth is over here. You might like it.
Argh. HTML won't pas, huh?