Broken Masterpieces

June 14, 2004

Bush Tribute To Bill Clinton

Yahoo! News - Bush pays rare tribute to Clinton

Tip to Drudge. Contrast this with Al Gore's rants against President Bush. Some people have class and some don't.

Posted by Tim at June 14, 2004 09:51 AM

I'm just waiting for Gore to pull his shirt over his head and start doing Cornholio...

Posted by: Ken at June 14, 2004 10:19 AM

Kinda funny now that Bush has trumped Clinton, can he bash him on his book tour? Oh wait, he is a Liberal....nevermind.

Posted by: StarkTruth at June 14, 2004 12:56 PM

Okay, Tim, I have to ask. Are you consistent here?:

President Bush: "Bill Clinton showed incredible energy and great personal appeal. As chief executive, he showed a deep and far-ranging knowledge of public policy, a great compassion for people in need, and the forward-looking spirit that Americans like in a president."

trogers: "Contrast this [Bush's statement about Clinton] with Al Gore's rants against President Bush. Some people have class and some don't."

Broken Masterpiece headline: "'It occurs to me when I see the ignorance and poor behavior of most people under 30 these days that we need more leaders like Reagan and fewer like Clinton.' - my co-worker, Glenn"

There's a disconnect, in my opinion, between your saying it's classy when President Bush praises President Clinton, and then seemingly your bashing of President Clinton with your blog headline. And my point isn't some sort of rude backhand way for me to infer you don't have class. Because it's obvious you do have a lot of class when you look at your blog postings as a whole.

Just another thought. I think in this statement today of President Bush about Clinton that we're actually hearing the kind of presidential tone we'd hoped for with the election of Bush 43. Respectful tone, even if we disagreed over policy. But it didn't seem to pan out. Not sure who's to blame.

Posted by: Tom at June 14, 2004 01:28 PM


Good question but I think there's a difference from President Bush's job and mine as a blogger. I try and tell it like it is with my highly biased opinion. Bush stepped up to the plate and set a great tone.

About the tone that Bush 43 has set. I think he tried to set a good tone when he came to office. I think the other side started off nice and nasty with the confirmation hearings of Ashcroft and Norton. Bush reached out to Kennedy for the education bill and Kennedy smacked him down, accusing him of horrible things in relation to Iraq. Is there any really proof that Bush 43 set a real bad partisan tone?

Thanks for the comments even though we probably disagree.


Posted by: trogers at June 15, 2004 10:59 PM

I was fired up about Bush's lavish praise of a disgraced, impeached former president. I blogged about it yesterday, and it was noticed by Michael Savage's producers. I appeared on The Savage Nation last night! Quite a thrill, to say the least.

Posted by: La Shawn Barber at June 16, 2004 06:08 AM

I thought that show was cancelled after Michael Savage made those homophobic and grossly inappropriate comments on Savage Nation. Correct me if I'm wrong. And c'mon you morons . . .you really think Bush is being classy? Or is he just conniving . . he's trying to establish himself as a President who goes above and beyond the partisan squalor (brought on, for the most part, by vicious Republicans in Congress). Well, I ain't buyin' it. He praises Clinton because Clinton poses little threat to his administration for the very obvious reason that he no longer has much power. I'll be impressed when he gives Kerry, his present contender, his dues for actually receiving numerous awards for brave conduct in Vietnam (a war which he opposed, and hindsight has taught us that indeed the Vietnam war was a horrible mistake) while Clinton was AWOL in the freakin' National Guard that his daddy got him into so he wouldn't have to serve in 'Nam. Good lord, how can people admire a man who is so cowardly as to not even serve out his National Guard term?! Trust me folks, you're plenty safe in the National Guard, substantially safer than regular army units. I mean, what a COWARD! And the same goes for the other Republicans, who were able to dodge the draft for one lousy excuse or another.

Posted by: MondoMan at June 16, 2004 08:13 AM

The only good thing I can say about Clinton is that he RAISES OUR COLLECTIVE CYNICISM

Posted by: Glenn the coworker at June 23, 2004 02:04 PM