Broken Masterpieces

May 28, 2004

The 'Saved!' Movie

Interviews: Brian Dannelly - Christianity Today Movies

There's this new controversial movie that begins showing in theaters real soon called, Saved!. From my understanding it is a look at teenage Christian clicks and deals with hypocrisy, judgement, intollerance and all the rest. What bothers me is not the content of the movie (I haven't seen it yet) but the Christians going on talk shows to blast the movie without seeing it just ticks me off. Didn't we all complain about people jumping to conclusions about The Passion of the Christ? Well, I'm here to issue that same complaint to my own crowd. At least wait until you see it before blasting away. If the movie is dealing in some of the realities in the Christian Ghetto then let's deal with it. I will be especially interested to see the feedback from Christian teenagers.

Now, if the movie is crap, it has now gotten a bunch of free exposure due to our "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality. Anyone remember The Last Temptation of Christ? Nobody would have cared but we raised it's profile and many more people saw it.

Posted by Tim at May 28, 2004 02:38 PM

I agree with you for the most part, but what is known about this movie already demonstrates it is not a Christian movie. The plot is a Christian girl who is trying to get her friend who is having homosexual thoughts to sleep with her, in order to save him. Such virtue indeed.

Posted by: King of Fools at May 29, 2004 06:19 PM

Look on, too... a lot of secular reviewers banged on this movie for being "one sided" and "preachy"... This seemed to be a good summary.

"What's the difference between a wild-eyed born-again Christian and a militant atheist? You tell me.-Walter Chaw"

Posted by: David Scott at May 30, 2004 11:33 PM

absolutely no comment

Posted by: kapeem at June 4, 2004 08:31 AM - (this site does a pretty good job of reviewing it)

Posted by: JCFreak at June 5, 2004 07:55 PM

I've seen the's not a good Christian movie. As a Christian, I was disheartened that people will see this and think that the values put forth in this movie are true Christian values. I can't recommend it - not only for that fact, but also because it was just a bad film overall.

Posted by: Eric at June 9, 2004 09:48 PM

I went and saw this movie this weekend, and as a devout, church going Christian, I have to say that I thought the movie was great.
Yes, it paints that radical right as just that, radical. But the majority of Christians are not at all like the extreme characters in this film. That’s because that’s what they are: extremes represented in a work of fiction.
I think there is a great danger in taking the Christian faith in the direction that it is taken by the character of Hillary Faye in the movie, and the movie does well to remind us that though we are called to be people of deep and profound faith, we are also called to live the life we are given here on this earth.
I challenge several people’s contentions that the character of Mary is rewarded for becoming non-Christian. I readily admit that the idea of “saving” someone from homosexuality by having sex with them is rather ridiculous. So Mary suffers a crisis of faith for a time. I know of very few Christians who are strong in their faith today who have not questioned it at some point in time. In the end however, I believe Mary behaves with a very Christian attitude and belief system, including accepted other for who they are, preserving the sanctity of human life from conception, and showing love and forgiveness to all of God’s people.
Now, I do not claim to agree with everything in this movie. But I do hold this to be true: If you are not strong enough in your faith to laugh at some of the more odd aspects of your religion, to have some of your beliefs challenged by a piece of fiction, then you have problems of faith that need to be sorted out on your own through thought and prayer. I am a strong Catholic, yet I loved the movie Dogma. Yes, it presented quite a number of things that were contrary to what I believe, but I believe in fact, not fiction, and these movies are clearly fictional and need to be treated as such.

God bless

Posted by: Cloud at June 14, 2004 07:57 AM

I think laughing at some aspects for your religion may be fine, but when it comes to accepting a lifestyle that runs counter to what the Bible says is when you have problems. The old saying, "God loves the sinner, but hates the sin" is very appropriate here. The heart of Christianity is our faith in Jesus. We are commanded by Him to love others as we love ourself, but to say that it is okay for someone to call themselves a Christian and to live a lifestyle that God calls sinful is wrong. The Bible is very clear about this, and this film promotes the opposite. We've all struggled with our faith and made mistakes along the's part of growing. But, we are called by God to lead a life that strives to please Him and obey him.

Posted by: Eric at June 15, 2004 01:42 PM

As a teacher in a Christian school, I found the movie true on many levels. A few years ago, I probably would have found myself saying at times, "People don't act like that." Unfortunately, my experience has proved otherwise.

I do not believe that the movie promotes such misguided logic as the main character experienced. At the end of the movie, she herself says it was "not what Jesus wanted". There are some parts that are over the top, but there were many very (unfortunately) accurate elements.

To Eric, who believes that a person cannot call themselves a Christian and live an "ungodly" lifestyle, I challenge you to begin praying to God that he show you your sin. We Americans tend to single out sexual sins while ignoring sins we really like, like materialism and lack of concern for the poor.

I submit the Real Live Preacher's not-so-recent diatribe on the topic:

Posted by: stephen at June 16, 2004 08:25 AM

First one is without sin...I've sinned, you've sinned, everyone....and we all struggle with living the Christian life....and what I believe as a Christian comes from the Bible - the Word of God.

"But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people......For this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person - such a man is an idolater - has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God." - Eph. 5:3-5

Those aren't my words, and I think they are pretty clear. Again, no one is perfect, and we will all sin. But through Christ we have forgiveness, but that doesn't give us permission to go out and sin. We are called to TRY and live a life pleasing to God, one that obeys Him. We won't always do it, but we are called to pray for the strength.

As for the link you can twist scripture any way you want....and I would seriously doubt anyone who refers to God's word as "two limp pieces of paper" - the verses he speaks of in Romans and I Cor. are very clear - Read Romans 1:27 - how can it mean anything other then what it says?

Again, Christ taught us to love everyone, but read the gospels again...Jesus NEVER condoned the sin of people...but He was, and still is, always ready to forgive...

Posted by: Eric at June 16, 2004 03:27 PM