Broken Masterpieces

May 14, 2004

Latest Kerry Ad

I just saw the latest Kerry ad on CNN boasting of his public service. Great ad but not much discussion on ANYTHING he's done as a Senator. It's great that he's served and feels he should but what record is he running on. Obviously, he needs to create a new one because his Senate record is far left. The one thing that was just silly was his optimism about the American people. Nobody has been more negative than Kerry about anything. In reality, he's running on pessimism. I just hope people do their homework.

Another quick observation, no mention of his anti-war protesting. Don't want Joe Lunchbox to know much about that?

Posted by Tim at May 14, 2004 10:41 PM

The funny thing, what has he actually done in the senate? He votes, far left, and he pals around with guys, you know grabbing a beer at the pub and hangin' out. But what has he really done in the senate? NOTHING In 20 years he has done NOTHING. Now that is something.

Posted by: StarkTruth at May 15, 2004 05:13 AM

Jeez, Tim. Are you calling for American political ads to coldly run through facts on a candidate? And let us citizens choose among candidates on the basis of unspun, well-analyzed information? Hello!!?? Do you want to put a bunch of ethically-challenged partisan political hacks over at the RNC and DNC out of business? What a dreamer you are! Then we'd start electing the best qualified candidates! Where would that get the United States?? :-)

But seriously, I think I could generalize and say we liberal Dems are worried about the seemingly lackluster spirit of Kerry's campaign. President Bush's approval ratings are at all time lows, but that's not the same as Senator Kerry's approval ratings are rising. As a Dem I'm hoping for a Vice Presidential selection to shake things up, and get our blood boiling. (...daydreams of Vice-President McCain waving goodbye to Cheney from the White House steps in January 2005....)

Posted by: Tom at May 15, 2004 09:01 AM

I keep seeing the McCain rumors. That would be real interesting and probably put Kerry over the top in November. Problem is that McCain would have to change so much that he'd probably spontaniously combust as VP. McCain is too principled to do this.

I predict DiFi or Hillary for Kerry's VP.

Posted by: trogers at May 15, 2004 09:09 AM