A day late and more than a dollar short but it's time to reflect on the mothers in my life; my wife, my mom and my mother-in-law. It's amazing how they still love us all after all we put them through. The sacrifices they make are extremely high. I think that each child's birthday should also be another Mother's Day.
When I think of all my mother has done for me (and continues to do so as a mom and grandma) I (we) can't really repay what she's done. Probably the best we can do is extend her legacy by being good parents ourselves and being their when she needs us. Same goes for my mother-in-law.
My wife's work isn't always seen right away but by the way my sons are doing in school I know she's doing an amazing job. She's the one who's organized and makes the household run smoothly.
Thank God for amazing mothers.
Posted by Tim at May 10, 2004 07:46 PM