Broken Masterpieces

March 30, 2004

Hitchens - Guess who used to believe in the Iraq/al-Qaida connection?

Tip to RealClearPolitics.

Clarke's Progress - Guess who used to believe in the Iraq/al-Qaida connection? By Christopher Hitchens

Posted by Tim at March 30, 2004 09:07 AM

Hitchens's article in Slate appears to be wrong. The core of his argument is that David Benjamin's book states Benjamin and Clarke believed in the Iraq-Al Qaida link. Nope. Take half a sec to look at the link Slate provides at the end of Hitch's article to a statement by David Benjamin himself:

"...I believe that the al-Qaida-Iraq connection probably remained indirect—that Baghdad had little knowledge of Bin Laden's investment in the Sudanese chemical weapons production...."

You can read more but it just bashes Bush around. Fun for me, but probably not as fun for Republicans. :-) Maybe Hitch will be recruiting for a fact-checker next time?

Posted by: Tom at March 30, 2004 12:53 PM