Tip to Drudge.
My Way News - Kerry Blasts Bush Over Attacks on Record
So after months of attacking Bush about everything including Bush's military service now he wants these things to stop? There is nothing more relevant than a voting record. Just because Kerry had heroic service in Vietnam does not give him a free pass over his votes in the Senate nor his anti-war activism. He needs to explain his stances then and if any of those opinions have changed and why.
The strategy of the Democrats will be to attack like crazy then when Republicans respond the Dems will say quit attacking our patriotism. This is the attack led by the horrible and amoral party leader Terry McAuliffe. Just watch.
Posted by Tim at February 22, 2004 08:06 AMSince Kerry has made a career out bringing up his record, it's highly un-menschlike to whine about being questioned about it.
Posted by: Douglas at February 23, 2004 12:34 PM