Reflection: Gibson Cuts a Scene from the Passion? How Should We Respond?
Great take (again) by Mark Roberts on the possibility of Mel Gibson cutting out a controversial scene in an act of compassion.
Posted by Tim at February 5, 2004 10:13 PMI am planning on going to see this movie when it comes out in late February. However, I am getting even more concerned as I read articles where an anoymous source has told the New York Times that Gibson has decided to delete a scene where the Jewish high priest Caiaphas calls down a curse on the Jewish people by declaring of the Crucifixion, “His blood be on us and on our children,” in response to Jewish critics.
I have a big problem in the deletion of this scene. According to Gibson, this movie was to be the most accurate portrayal of the crucifixion of Christ. The scene with the words “His blood be on us and on our children,” is found in Matthew 27:25 and since the Bible is the infallable word of God, this means that Gibson is deleting a truthful statement and a partial and prophetic explanation of today’s plight of the Jewish people today in the name of being ’sensitive and inoffensive’. If Gibson keeps deleting scenes in the name of not offending anyone, I may have to withdraw my support for the movie and not see the movie fearing that the movie has compromised the Gospel presentation and compromised the truth with a 'watered down' Gospel not to offend.
I am amazed when the church bashed 'political correctiveness' from it's pulpit but practices 'spiritual correctiveness' in the name of beeing 'seeker sensitive' by watering down the Gospel to make it 'non-offensive'.
Posted by: Totem to Temple at February 6, 2004 09:20 AM