Further inspiration from reading "Fearless Faith" by John Fischer.
When it comes to politics have we made become so immeshed in issues that we've completely excluded the love of Christ? Many of us are very good at pointing out right and wrong but has Christ been brought into the political picture where He really shouldn't have been brought in? We've got to be engaged in the political process as this is a democracy but must be careful on how it's approached. I cringe when I hear a political candidate from any party invoke the Bible when talking about policy (for example, I'm against gay marriage because the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman). We need to approach with logical arguments that spring forth from our worldview (which is inspired by our faith) but cannot use the argument "the Bible says so" in terms of politics. I'm confident that social concerns of many evangelical Christians have great arguments that do not need to lean on the Bible. We need to remember that the Bible speaks about truth and those truths have arguments in favor of them that do not need to just say "the Bible says so".
My main cause in politics is the fight against terrorism on a global perspective. Even this fight really is about the state of man's heart. If the hearts of some people weren't seared with hate we wouldn't be fighting this problem. This is a two-pronged attack. Government has the responsibility of protecting it's citizens and that's why I will be involved in the 2004 presidential election at some level. As a Christian I know that military might is not the final answer but changing the hearts of the terrorists is the true answer. Because of his approach to terrorism I will support George W. Bush. It's not because he's on God's side or the other side is godless but because Bush has the right (IMO) approach to fighting terrorism. Helping make the world a freer place is something worth pursuing.
Some of my views are inspired by biblical principles but I believe Christians of all political persuasions can disagree on these views. I may be incorrect in my conclusions that are reflected in my political views but the real issues of Christianity (birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus (fully God / fully man) are above politics and politics can never get in the way of those real issues. That's a big challenge for us Christians that are also involved in politics at various levels. I gotta admit it, I really enjoy politics and seeing the candidates I support win. I believe that it's important to be involved but never at the expense of Christ's mission for us.
Posted by Tim at December 24, 2003 09:19 AM