Weasel Watch
I totally ignored all the negative statements from the Democrats and others (including other countries) trying to make political hay of the capture of Saddam. Now, the gloves are off.
Check out what the Democratic presidential candidates had to say. Note especially the junk from John f-bomb Kerry. Kudos to Dean and Gephardt for resorting to slipping in some type of snide remark about any presidential opponent.
Check this junk out about some Palestinians.
From Dean for America: ""This development provides an enormous opportunity to set a new course and take the American label off the war. We must do everything possible to bring the UN, NATO, and other members of the international community back into this effort." Forget my kudos from up above. Dude, I so hope you really don't believe that the UN isn't an answer. BTW, what are the Brits, Aussies, Poles, and the other 30+ countries that have helped us. This is not a unilateral action, Dean. Here's a link on his blog.
Look what Tim Blair dug up (tip to InstaPundit) These types of peope are the types that put party over country. They are not patriots.
Command Post captures the essence of John f-bomb Kerry.
For all the folks who thinks this is all a political game, well I'm glad to post this picture:
Anyone who's not joyous at the above picture of Saddam in custody really needs to remember what he's done to so many people and maybe re-examine their hearts.
At the end of the day the Democrats are going to nominate Howard Dean and the words of his opponents will clearly used against them in the general. Why couldn't they have at least waited another day. Sunday, December 14, when we all heard the news was not a day for Democrats or Republicans but joyous time for all Americans and freedom loving people.
Posted by Tim at December 15, 2003 08:32 AM