Broken Masterpieces

November 28, 2003

Hillary's Iraq Solution

Senator Clinton is proposing more internationalization in the bringing the peace to Iraq (see MSNBC article). On the surface that sounds great and makes a great soundbite, but the reality isn't so easy. Well, we already have some internationalization and those are the allies we can trust. Shall we trust the governments of France, Germany and Russia? All they did was make it impossible to enforce the UN resolutions through the Security Council. I don't trust them as they seem to have violated the sanctions for their own profit. I like the allies we have (especially the old Eastern Europeans) and would welcome more of the willing. Ceding power to the UN would be a disaster. Their first instinct would be to cut and run, just like they did recently in Iraq. Nope, when so many of the countries in the UN are against the basic human rights the the US espouses they cannot and should not lead in the rebuilding of Iraq. They can join us on the current alliance's terms or they can continue whining.

Posted by Tim at November 28, 2003 10:21 PM