I just can't believe that Tom McClintock is staying in this race. Does he really think he can win? I'm sick of people who, when they don't get their way, try to spoil it for others. Pat Buchanon helped do this in 1992 and hasn't stopped yet. Heck, even on the Democrat side, Ralph Nader is the same way.
Once more, McClintock cannot and will not win. Cruz and Gray will keep the car tax and will keep signing all these spending bills that the Dems bring to their desk. Arnold can at least stop the bleeding and get us back on track. The national economy will continue to be sluggish until California recovers.
I'm with Hugh Hewitt, if McClintock doesn't get out by this weekend, then he is just over. I will not ever support him in a primary, give any money to his campaigns and will openly campaign against him.
Posted by Tim at September 10, 2003 10:10 PMI went one step further in an e-mail I sent to the McClintock campaign. I promised that if he stayed in the race and cost the Republicans the election I would make sure that every nickle I gave politically would go to whoever was running against him.
Posted by: Miller's Time at September 11, 2003 01:23 PM