Broken Masterpieces

June 22, 2003

A Perspective From A Sudanese Christan About The War With Iraq

I had posted this on another internet board a couple of months ago. I was reminded about it today. The original date I wrote it was April 7, 2003:

A different perspective but very relevant to the topic at hand... a man named Pastor James Lagos Alexander from The Sudan spoke for a few minutes from our church. Pastor James could not understand the war protestors. It made him sad because he considers this war to oust Saddam an answer to prayer. Since 1989 the Sudanese government has been trying to rid the country of Christians. Saddam has been a primary source of weapons for the government of Sudan. Pastor James and many in Sudan have been praying for Saddam's removal. They consider the current action to be a blessing. This from a man who's seen 2 million Christians killed, raped, tortured and displaced.

Posted by Tim at June 22, 2003 10:13 PM

This is a broken drum that I've been beating lately, possibly even to the point of ticking off Hewitt and Prager. To understand the Middle East and specifically the Arabs, you must get and read "The Closed Circle". I first thought of the book as revalatory, then stunning. I'm now at disturbing.

Posted by: Chuck McVey at July 2, 2003 04:30 PM