At church today the sermon was on Philippians 4:14-23. A lot of the topic that was covered was about giving. Some pastors relish this type of sermon but ours just spoke truth and didn't turn it into a big sales pitch. From the notes and some of the highlights included some basic principles of giving, giving with common sense, giving is joyful for all participants, giving is and expression and sharing of concern, giving is not about God's need, giving mostly involves the Gospel, giving is rewarded and it pleases God.
I think Bono from U2 said it best when he said, "The God I serve isn't short of cash". Giving is a way for us to be involved in God's work. God's will will be done with or without us. It's just a manner of do we want to play certain roles in working for God or not.
I really liked the section our pastor spoke of about "Giving Is An Expression & Sharing of Concern". When we give it's not just a "fire and forget" scenario. When we give it should express our concern for the cause we are giving to. We should pray for the organizations we give to, read up about them and keep informed.
Some of the common sense areas of giving were very important and deserve a mention here. People don't want to be coerced, want honesty, passion and opportunities to give, giver and givee to trust God with the gifts and releasing money is a great test for us as believers against fear and greed.
Posted by Tim at June 22, 2003 09:16 PM