Broken Masterpieces

June 19, 2003

Al Gore is a very funny man

So Al Gore wants to get into the media business to spread liberalism. Sorry Mr. Gore but ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN already beat you to it. Most of the liberal talk is soundbite type slogans; "prescription drugs for all", "raise the minimum wage", "blah, blah, blah". That's about it. The conservative artists who grace talk radio such as Hugh Hewitt and Rush Limbaugh actually explain conservative principles behind the soundbite. The problem with the liberal soundbites are that behind them is more taxes and more spending and way too much government interference with the free market. There will never be a liberal talk radio host with near as much influence as the conservatives because there isn't really much to say other than "rich people are greedy", "George W. Bush is a liar", etc. Bring it on "algore".

Posted by Tim at June 19, 2003 07:18 PM

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